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Answers, Explanations and References

1) Where is your team most likely find the first warnings of potential problems?

  1. Retrospectives
  2. Daily stand-ups
  3. Sprint planning
  4. Iteration demos

Answer: B

Explanation: Daily stand-up meetings are typically the earliest source of warning signs or indications of potential problems, since these meetings occur every day. The third question in that meeting asks about impediments to progress, which could be signs of problems. Problems might also be uncovered in retrospectives and demos, but usually that isn't the earliest opportunity to discover them. Planning meetings are unlikely to help the team detect problems.

Reference: For more explanation, see PMI-ACP Exam Prep – Second Edition Page 332


2) Your upcoming project will be the organization's first use of agile, and the sponsor asks you about tailoring the new methodology. How do you respond?

  1. Customizing the methodology upfront will allow us to streamline the adoption process.
  2. Adapting the new methodology will be a good way for the team to learn about agile practices.
  3. The team should become comfortable with the new methodology before we consider changing it.
  4. We should wait to adjust our practices until we see where the team runs into difficulties applying them.

Answer: C

Explanation: Agile practices should be mastered and fully understood before we attempt to customize them. If we change the practices first and then encounter problems, we won't be able to tell if those problems are due to the changes we made or other causes.

Reference: Page 369


3) Although your team has completed their last iteration, it hasn't been "approved." What does this mean?

  1. The team still needs to do refactoring and user testing.
  2. In trying out the product increment, the customer thought of another feature to add to the backlog.
  3. In the demo, the customer decided that the team hadn't completed one of the items selected from the backlog for that iteration.
  4. The product increment hasn't passed QA testing.

Answer: C

Explanation: An iteration is "approved" when the product owner is satisfied that the product increment meets the iteration goal--the items selected from the backlog for that iteration. Although the customer might also think of another feature to add to the backlog, they would still approve the iteration if the work that was done meets the goal that was set. The other two options (missing refactoring, user testing, and QA testing) describe activities that should have been done during the iteration. If the team hasn't done them, that might be a reason for not approving the iteration. But they aren't the best answer to this scenario, since we don't have enough information to pick one of them.

Reference: Page 390


4) Your cutting-edge project has several major risks that the team wants to eliminate as quickly as possible. What's the best way for them to monitor how well this effort is going?

  1. Risk-based spike
  2. Risk-adjusted backlog
  3. Risk burndown graph
  4. Risk velocity chart

Answer: C

Explanation: The best tool for monitoring risk reduction is a risk burndown graph; this shows the project's evolving risk profile in one easy-to-understand chart. The team could also use risk-based spikes for their risk reduction efforts, and their latest risk-adjusted backlog would reflect the currently expected monetary value of the remaining risks. However, neither of these options directly address the question being asked. A "risk velocity chart" is a made-up term.

Reference: Page 351


5) You ask the product owner to allocate the financial return expected from the project across all the product features. He says those numbers would be too arbitrary, and why do you need them anyway? You respond:

  1. Just make up some numbers as a starting point, we'll refine the exact amounts as we proceed.
  2. Focus on getting the relative value of the features right; don't worry about the details.
  3. We need this information to do a cost-benefit analysis of the product features and prioritize the backlog.
  4. If you can't give us these numbers, we will be forced to guess at them ourselves.

Answer: B

Explanation: To understand this question you need to think about why we ask the product owner for this information. The team needs to assign a financial value to each product feature as a starting point for creating a risk-based backlog, where the anti-value of the risks is ranked along with the value of the product features. For this purpose, it is most important to get the relative value of the product features right. The team doesn't "refine" these numbers or analyze or prioritize the features. They also wouldn't just make up some numbers; this information has to come from the business.

Reference: Page 345


6) Your team is confused about the idea of "ideal time." You explain that this concept refers to:

  1. The best time to undertake a story
  2. The shortest realistic estimate for doing the work
  3. How long a task will take without interruptions or impediments
  4. How long a task will take including predictable delays and distractions

Answer: C

Explanation: Ideal time refers to how long it will take to complete a work item if there are no interruptions, impediments, delays, or distractions.

Reference: Page 263


7) Your team planned to complete six stories in the current sprint. But as you reach the end of the sprint, only four of them are done. What should you do?

  1. Return the remaining stories to the backlog for replanning
  2. Ask the product owner to extend the sprint
  3. Work on the remaining stories when you can fit them in
  4. Schedule the remaining stories at the start of the next sprint

Answer: A

Explanation: Since sprints are timeboxed, when a sprint ends we stop working and return any incomplete work to the backlog for replanning. In the next planning meeting we will need to consider the customer's updated priorities and new information; the work we didn't get done this time might or might not be our top priority for the next sprint.

Reference: Page 259


8) If your progress toward the sprint goal is being threatened because you haven't yet gotten the website copy from marketing, what should you do?

  1. Check the ScrumMaster's schedule and reserve the next available time for a meeting
  2. Share the problem with your teammates to see if you can all come up with a collective solution
  3. Be sure to mention the issue in the next stand-up meeting
  4. Work around the issue until "just in time" to solve it most efficiently

Answer: C

Explanation: One of the key functions of a daily stand-up meeting is to share information about problems and impediments to progress. Since this meeting is held every day, it gives the ScrumMaster almost immediate information about any issues the team is facing, which replaces the need for separate meetings to discuss issues. You wouldn't share the problem with your teammates since this is an external impediment; their expertise lies in solving technical development problems. You definitely wouldn't wait and work around the issue, since agile emphasizes early detection and resolution of problems, whether internal or external.

Reference: Page 310


9) In a story writing workshop, the team is evaluating the user story "As marketing manager I want an online store, so that I can increase sales." What would you say?

  1. This story is missing the conversation component.
  2. This story is missing the functionality component.
  3. This story isn't testable.
  4. This story isn't negotiable.

Answer: C

Explanation: Since this is the "card" part of the story, it isn't missing a conversation--that is a separate component of a story. This story does have a functionality component ("I want an online store"). The biggest problem with this story is that it doesn't provide any specifics or quantifiable targets to achieve, so it wouldn't be testable. We can't really tell from this scenario how negotiable the story is, but the description of a online store is broad so it sounds like there is room for discussion.

Reference: Page 271


10) After several months, the agile team you are leading has finally reached the Performing stage. What do the team members need from you as their leader now?

  1. They need a lot of direction to keep them fully focused on their goals.
  2. They need your direction and support now, to make sure their performance stays high.
  3. They don't need much direction or support now; they are mostly self-supporting and self-directing.
  4. Even though they won't admit it, they still need a lot of support. You can let them direct their own work, though.

Answer: C

Explanation: When a team reaches the Performing stage, the team members don't need much direction or support from their leader; they work together so smoothly that they are mostly self-supporting and self-directing.

Reference: Page 215


11) As team coach, what should be your attitude toward your team members’ individual goals and personal motivations?

  1. Ignore them; personal issues have no bearing on reaching the project goals.
  2. Cultivate them; personal goals are an important reason why people want to be successful at work.
  3. Understand them; try to align personal motivations with the team’s progress toward the project goals.
  4. Leverage them; use individual goals to persuade team members to raise their performance level.

Answer: C

Explanation: Agile leaders try to align their team members’ individual goals and personal motivations with the team’s progress toward the project goals. To do this, it is necessary to learn to understand those motivators first. It isn't as effective to ignore, dwell on, or use personal goals to manipulate people. We simply look for alignment.

Reference: Page 217


12) The developers have just finished building a product increment and will present it to Sara in a demonstration tomorrow. Sara may either accept the increment or request changes to it. What is Sara’s most likely role on the project?

  1. Product owner
  2. Sponsor
  3. ScrumMaster
  4. Project manager

Answer: A

Explanation: The description in the question defines the product owner's role on a project. The other options are incorrect.

Reference: Page 200


13) A few months ago the members of the delivery team seemed to be arguing constantly, and they needed a lot of guidance from their team leader. But now they seem to have worked through their issues and their team leader isn't as involved on a daily basis. What has changed?

  1. The team moved from the Storming stage to the Norming stage.
  2. The team moved from the Storming stage to the Performing stage.
  3. The team leader moved from the Supporting style to the Coaching style.
  4. The team leader moved from the Directing style to the Coaching style.

Answer: A

Explanation: This scenario describes a team that is moving from the Storming stage to the Norming stage. (A team typically needs to complete the Norming stage before it can reach the Performing stage.) The leadership styles that correspond to Storming and Norming are Coaching and Supporting, respectively. So here the team leader would have changed her style from Coaching to Supporting, rather than vice versa--but that switch would have been in response to the team, not the cause of the change.

Reference: Page 215


14) For iterations 1 through 6, the team’s velocity tracking chart shows 20 points, 35 points, 18 points, 23 points, 25 points, and 22 points. What does this tell us?

  1. Their velocity has been stable.
  2. They are ahead of schedule.
  3. Their velocity is speeding up.
  4. Their velocity is stabilizing.

Answer: D

Explanation: This team's velocity is showing a typical pattern: there was some variation in the first few iterations, but now their velocity is stabilizing as the team becomes more familiar with the project. The other options are incorrect.

Reference: Page 233


15) Jennifer was given her first opportunity to be a team leader last month. After doing the job for a little while, she is now gaining confidence and is able to make independent decisions. Which stage of skill acquisition is this?

  1. Competent
  2. Coaching
  3. Ri
  4. Norming

Answer: A

Explanation: The model that describes the stages of adult skill acquisition is the Dreyfus model. Although the Dreyfus model doesn't specifically mention "making independent decisions," based on this description, it sounds as if Jennifer is in either the advanced beginner or the competent stage. However, "competent" must be the right answer since the other options are clearly incorrect--Coaching is a leadership style, Ri is the highest level of skill mastery, and Norming is a stage of team development. Many of the questions on the PMI-ACP exam will be ambiguous like this; in that case, read the question carefully, rule out the wrong answers, and look for the option that fits BEST.

Reference: Page 212


16) You mention in a meeting that agile teams focus on people rather than processes and tools. The product owner responds, "I'm confused, what do you mean by that?" You answer that it means:

  1. It is harder to find people and keep them happy than it is to develop processes and tools.
  2. If we get the right people on the team, the processes and tools they are using won't matter.
  3. Having an empowered team is more important for project success than the processes and tools being used.
  4. A project's chances of success are heavily dependent on whether we can get the best people on the team.

Answer: C

Explanation: Agile teams follow Agile Manifesto value 1, “individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” because experience has shown that having an empowered team is more important to the success of an agile project than the processes and tools they choose to use.

Reference: Page 29


17) When you are working with a Scrum team, who is primarily responsible for ensuring that value is delivered by the project?

  1. Development team
  2. Product owner
  3. ScrumMaster
  4. Testers

Answer: B

Explanation: The product owner has the primary responsibility for ensuring that value is delivered by a Scrum project. They do this by managing the product backlog and making sure the team has a correct understanding of the project vision, the project goals, and the product requirements.

Reference: Page 43


18) The business representative for your lean team hasn't been available for a few weeks due to a crisis in a foreign subsidiary. Fortunately, the team has a good sense of the backlog priorities and has been able to continue making progress in her absence. However, there are now two work packages that haven't been approved yet--and at the end of this week there will be three. The team can keep going for a while, but the longer they have to wait for feedback and approval the more likely it is that they will get off track. What is this an example of?

  1. Iterative development
  2. Waste
  3. Pull system
  4. Task switching

Answer: B

Explanation: In the lean approach, waiting (for reviews, approvals, etc.) is considered to be a form of waste. The other options aren't supported by the information given in the scenario--for example, we can't tell whether this team is using a pull system or iterative development. Also, although the business representative has switched to another focus, that isn't the main point being illustrated here.

Reference: Page 56


19) In the iteration retrospective, the team's coach reminds the pair programming teams that everyone owns the code, and it is important that all of that knowledge be shared. Apparently there were some inconsistencies in the refactoring that was done between different teams, and as a result, there are some unnecessarily complex structures that will need to be reworked and simplified. Someone suggests that the code standards should be updated once the differences are worked out, and you all nod your heads in agreement. What methodology is your team using?

  1. Scrum
  2. Scrum-XP hybrid
  3. XP
  4. Lean

Answer: C

Explanation: This scenario either mentions or implies several key terms and core practices of the XP methodology: iteration, coach, pair programming, collective code ownership, refactoring, simple design, and code standards. Although this team might conceivably be using a Scrum-XP hybrid, there is nothing in the scenario to indicate that.

Reference: Page 50


20) You've found a more efficient way to analyze the lab test results that you and your teammates are evaluating in the current spike. What's the most efficient way to share this information with the other developers?

  1. Tell them in person
  2. Document it in an email
  3. Post it on the project wiki
  4. Put a sticky note on the Kanban board

Answer: A

Explanation: Like many questions you'll encounter on the PMI-ACP exam, this one appears to be missing some key information you need to choose the right answer. Are these team members co-located or distributed? How often do they check the wiki? How complicated is the new process you want to explain? In a case like this, don't overthink the question; just look at the information given. Agile Manifesto principle 6 states that the most efficient way of conveying information within a development team is a face-to-face conversation. This method includes instant two-way feedback and conveys nonverbal information. So the BEST way to share information is to tell the other developers in person. 

Reference: Page 34


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